5 Steps to a Successful Launch

You’ve spent hours trying to perfect your service.
You’ve strategised it, tested it, implemented it and are ready to
You then realise it’s GO time to show your wonderful services to the world…
BUT to no avail, as you’ve left your marketing to the last minute
and ended up with a failed launch.
You then start questioning your work…
Is it not good enough? Is it me? What should I change?
And you are now left feeling unmotivated and full of doubt.
SO, let’s be real for a second…
Marketing takes planning.
Good Marketing takes strategic planning.
Great Marketing takes strategic planning AND precise timing.
The good news?
Putting all the pieces together into a cohesive plan is simple!
And I’m here to teach you the exact steps you need to take for a successful launch.
Join me for my Free Masterclass,
“FROM IDEA TO IMPACT: 5 Steps to a Successful Launch
Leave luck to the birds.
Take back control with strategic planning

What you can expect from my Free Masterclass?
I will cover how to:
✔ Simplify your plan with 5 steps to market like a Pro.
✔Combine all the pieces into a cohesive plan to stay on top of all activities.
✔ Align your strategy with your business goals to achieve desired results.
✔ Build a planning system that can be leveraged repeatedly.
✔ Choose the tools and pace that work FOR YOU.
Don’t wing your marketing – you wouldn’t do this with any other part of your business.
(Especially as we move to a busy Autumn season).
Learn how to become strategic and plan like a Pro at my Free Masterclass.
Get to know me
I’m Daiva, an ethical marketer committed to helping impact-driven businesses thrive through authentic and strategic marketing.
I have BA (Hons) in Advertising, more than six years of digital marketing experience and years of communication work in climate space.
With a profound belief in the interconnectedness of healing and regeneration, I focus on working with startups and entrepreneurs that champion climate action and ecological regeneration and recognize the imperative for individual and collective healing.